The Skincare excuse Hall of Fame - EXCUSE #4
This excuse is an interesting one for several reasons. Trying “everything” is a huge task and quite expensive!
There is so much on the market these days it’s difficult to try them all, but I get the point. You’re frustrated and tired of trying skin care products that don’t work for you, right?
So stop the madness!
Instead of going to home parties and letting your Mary Kary, It Works, Avon, Nerium or Optimera hostess decide what’s best for you skin, get an Advanced Skin Analysis (in-person or virtually) with a trained Esthetician or Medical Esthetician. I've spent over 1200 hours learning about how skin functions and spend countless hours every year on continuing education. I even had to pass two provincial medical esthetician exams to practice my passion!
Hostesses for home parties don’t have that kind of training. Don't get me wrong I respect a Mom trying to bring in extra money for her family, but she can't recommend products and achieve the results us Estheticians and Medical Estheticians can.
Forget cheap drugstore brands of skin care. These are often loaded with fillers that greatly reduce the minimal effectiveness of the brand. With this line of skin care you PAY for it.
Skin care from MBK Clinical Skincare Solutions or Environ is an INVESTMENT. Why? Because it’s loaded with quality ingredients that are very effictive and active. Drugstore brands? Not so much.
There are no junk fillers, just pure, top-of-the-line ingredients that enhance your natural beauty and reveal glowing youthful skin
So take action. This time make it the right action, though. Get an Advanced Skin Analysis with me. Save money, look younger, and feel more comfortable in your skin.
I guarantee it!
Content Copyright © 2022, MBK Clinical Skincare Solutions | MBK Cultivate Skin & Nutrition Wellness
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Information courtesy of, a website with skin care tips, products based on skin types and advice from skin care expert and medical esthetician, Katie Marshall.
Content found on and, including text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on these websites or blog.